
Why governments are adopting E-invoicing mandates

The physician-patient relationship is the key to successful diagnosis and treatment. However, it has two sides, and in this article, we examine the physician's perspective. What is their perception of patients? Are they satisfied with their patient-physician relationships? We asked physicians about their needs and struggles when working with patients on a daily basis.

The benefits of E-invoicing for businesses

E-invoicing is both the present and the future of invoicing. There are numerous reasons why e-invoicing is preferable over emailing PDFs or traditional paper invoices. Listed below are the five main benefits of electronic invoicing.

Key Takeaways

  • Enterprises battle excess inventories amid tight industrial capacity
  • Secondary and tertiary warehouse locations become important for enterprises to serve as final-mile delivery nodes
  • Flexibility in warehousing means one thing: Speed. Flexes integrates proprietary, cloud-based technology with enterprise shippers and connects them with a network of over 1000 warehouses

The challenges of implementing E-invoicing in businesses

Regulatory concerns caused by developing rules are one of the most significant challenges businesses encounter. The pandemic has forced governments to shift deadlines. Businesses are being affected by constantly changing compliance standards, making it tough to keep up with the e-invoicing trend.


Aleksandra Kwiecien

Content manager

Marketing and content manager. Passionate about new technologies that make our everyday life easier, and people who create them.